Yoga came in and out of my life here and there, but it never felt like much of a workout and I never really understood the deeper connection. In 2012 I was struggling with training for my second half marathon when a new studio opened offering Hot Yoga. There had been a lot of talk about hot yoga and the benefits, especially among runners, so I decided to give it a try. 

Like most of us that try something new, I was apprehensive, nervous, and not entirely sold on this whole hot yoga idea.
I was wrong and quickly fell in love with yoga. I found the mind-body connection, and was hooked! Soon after my journey with yoga began, I saw a post about a local teacher training and it all just fell into place for me. Going through teacher training that summer in 2013, with a 2 year old at that, was intense and very challenging, but in all the right ways. I  love  teaching. I love the sharing of energy, the time we are able to give back to ourselves, and the opportunity to hold space for others. 

As most of you, my life has gone in so many different directions over the years and thankfully I have yoga to keep me grounded. When everything else falls apart, yoga has been here for me. With my husband Josh by my side, supporting my dreams, I’m so excited to welcome you to my studio.


It fills my heart to be on this journey with you.


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